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Work in progress; Things may break on mobile, text only(lynx. etc), or other browsers because of my sloppy handmade html & css.

I started writing this with no prior experence and have been slowly adding as I learn more, look at the source if you dont mind screaming into a pillow tonight.

Most of this site has been written in basic text editors (notepad, geany, kate), There may be typos that I have missed.

Hello world!

This is my website for hosting contact info, my computer science projects and otherstuff publicly.

The reason this is so empty is that i dont really want to try to use a github page as a blog(If I wanted a blog I would use tumblr or something), and I dont have much to put here at the moment

I know this website design is stuck in 2007, and my HTML+css is janky, visit my About page (or twitter) if you want to complain about how I'm doing things wrong or making them harder for myself/p>